
What you should know about children ...

It does not matter what you say to your children. It depends on who you are.

You can still read so many educational counselor and follow wise advice - the children always hear yourself, the children always see what you're doing.

Your children know what you think, what you feel, what you want.

Your children you realize - they love their parents, as they are and they want to be recognized and loved as they are.

Children go magnanimously to with their parents. Walking also you generous to your children: Children also want to make mistakes - without fear and without shame.

They need love and warmth, security and safety, care and attention, respect and recognition, encouragement and hope.

"You can do that they can not fight?"


Parents should not argue.

Parents should let the children out of their dispute out completely.

Parents should agree together on the children's things.

Parents should treat each other kindly.

Parents should at least find a little good.


Children Quotes *

If you yell, then I get scared, I sometimes do in my pants, and I'm already big. Janik, 6 J.

Always on Friday I have a stomach ache at school. I do not know if they fight back when I pick up the Papa. Maja, 8 J.

If I 'weggeh from Mama, I'm sorry.

If I then weggeh from Papa, I am also sad. I am now almost always sad. Max, 9J.

I am ashamed when my parents speak badly about each other. Then I despise them both. Philipp, 14 J.

My mother has the Kontrollierwahn, prefer she would call every 5 minutes when I'm with Papa. The plan is so inclined, the woman. Jessie, 12J.

If at least Grandma and Grandpa would not even speak ill of Papa, then it felt better. Till, 8J.

'I cut in half and spread justice, then it would' prefer'd finally rest. Jan, 7J.

When I lie in bed, I always think of a real family, in which everyone likes. Clara, 10 J.

Everyone wants to be the best man, and they think I look not. That makes me puke. Lena, 15J,

If the mom remembers how I got the Papa dear, it's so sad. Raffaela, 4 J.

My father wants me to make his New palatable, the spins well. January 13J.

When I come back, I'll questioned by the police as: What did you do when you're in bed, who else was there - that drives me crazy. Anna, 10y.

I say a long time nothing more, the race at all equal to the lawyer, at my 18th birthday I'm gone. Pierre, 16J.

I'm so proud of my divorced parents, no one says a bad word about the other. Timo, 12J.

My mother calls me Ruth, my father Clarisse - not even on my name they can agree. Wherever I am, I'm different. Ruth, 11J.

* Some names of the children were made anonymous to protect them.